
Beautiful contrasts
#Culture #mountain # religious #monuments #touring #seaside
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Beautiful contrasts

The “Naval of Earth”… the internationally renowned area of Delphi is located here. Fokida, beautiful in its contrasts, has a plethora of historical and archaeological treasures, preserved areas, traditional settlements, mountains and seas, as well as rare flora and fauna. From Giona to Parnassus, up to the Gulf of Corinth. Surrender into the majesty of this outstanding Greek land and follow the traces of its great history. The majestic landscape, compared with the neat options in food and accommodation, make it a must-destination

The prominent site of Delphi

Delfi, renowned in every part of the universe, the centre of the world, is all the majesty of ancient Greece concentrated in the heart of the ancient world! According to the myth, when Zeus set two eagles free, one to the East and one to the West, they met over Delfi. Here, in the foothills of Mount Parnassus, during ancient times, used to exist the most famous oracle in Greece, with a great contribution to the evolution of civilisation, the Oracle of Delphi. According to the myth, it was Dionysus and not Apollo first who acquired the oracular tripod, the principal symbol of the Oracle and then Apollo claimed and got it from him.

Delphi is an extensive protection zone including the impressive Delphic Site, the archaeological site of Delphi, the olive groves of Amphissa, the National Park of Parnassus and many more. Of course, you should definitely visit the important archaeological site of Delphi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, one of the most important and famous cultural monuments in the world, revealed after the systematic excavations of the French Archaeological School in the late 19th century and attracting a plethora of visitors. The Treasures, the Sancturay of Apollo, the Temple of Athena Pronaia, the theatre and the stadium, and the Castalian spring, are just a few of what you will see. Complete your visit to the Museum of Delphi, one of the most impressive ones in the country. In its rooms, you will find important findings of major archaeological value, like the Charioteer of Delphi (Heniokhos) and the Sphinx of Naxos.

Discover the beauties of Fokida!

Make a walk to the capital of Fokida, Amfissa, situated between Parnassus and Giona. The olive grove is its landmark, one of the biggest ones in the world, with more than one million olive trees, protected by NATURA 2000 Network. It is the most ancient olive grove in Greece, as it is 3.000 years old! The Dome stands majestically in the centre of the town, dedicated to the Evangelism of the Mother of Jesus and standing out for its byzantine architecture and inner adornment painted by the famous hagiograph, Spyros Papaloukas. In addition, the trademark of Amfissa is its Castle, also known as the Castle of Salona, with a great history in the centuries from the ancient times to the Greek War of Revolution in 1821, when the castle and the wider area, Salona, became the epicentre of the Revolution in Central Greece. It was the first castle that fell into Greek hands during the War, at Easter of 1821, when leader Panourgias, head of the Greek warriors, decimated the large guard of the Turks and regained the castle. The house of Panourgias is also preserved in Amfissa, which has been transformed into the “Museum of the Greek Revolution” since 2019.

The historical Byzantine monastery of Panaghia Pantanassa from the 15th century is also worth visiting, located in an amazing green landscape in the historical town of Gravia, which remained in history mostly for the battle and victory of Odysseas Androutsos and the 120 warriors against the Turks in May 1821 at the renowned “Gravia Inn”.This is where one of the most important battles for the progress of the Greek Revolution took place. The building also houses a museum, dedicated to the battle and victory of the Greeks.

Walk around the district of Charmaina in Amfissa, definitely the most quaint neighbourhood in the town. As you walk around its pebbly alleys, the atmosphere will take your breath away. In the past, it used to be famous for its tanneries, also known as “Tabakaria”. Only a few of them are still in business today. For many centuries, the area has been accompanied by a legend of the so-called “Ghost of Charmaina”. It is a narrative that has survived from generation to generation and is about a tragical love story. The legend is revived every year the last weekend of the Carnival season.

The Eptastomos cave is located in Parnassus, above the village of Kalyvia in Avlaki. It was named after to the seven chasms leading to its inner part, hence tis strange name (which means “seven mouhts”). The size and depth of the cave remain unclear until this day. The temperature inside the cave is constantly very low, ranging from 0 to 2 °C. Stalactites and stalagmites have been created due to these temperatures over the centuries. It is open to adventurous visitors who want to explore it!

In the heart of Krissaios Gulf is Galaxidi, a picturesque coastal town with island vibes, a noble atmosphere, a feeling of a past period and one of the most traditional maritime villages. It is a turquoise piece of Earth, just 30 km from Amfissa. Walk around its alleys, admire the majestic captain houses and stroll along the two natural ports of the area, Agora and Chirolakas. The walk on the waterfront in the summer nights is a special experience. Visit also the Maritime and Ethnological Museum to see important exhibits, get lost in the small narrow streets and try the local exceptional seafood delicacies. Note: The famous “Alevromoutzouromata” is a custom that takes place in Galaxidi every year, on Clean Monday.

The beautiful town of Itea is nestled in the Gulf of Corinth and overlooking the endless blue. Stroll along the large waterfront and enjoy fine food, mostly based on seafood. Visit, among others, the beaches of the west side, with Trokantero, awarded with the Blue Flag, stealing the scene. Enjoy your swim and the sun, while you are drinking your coffee or eating a fine meal near the sea. In addition, on the west side, you will find the equally famous and also awarded Miami beach, within a beautiful setting, with many fish taverns contributing to the development of the tourism sector in the area. For those seeking more quiet beaches, visit Nafsika and Evangelistria. The braver ones can visit the island rocks in the Gulf of Itea (Krissaios) that were used as shelters during the so-called early Byzantine centuries.

The alpine area of Vardoussia, the Mornos reservoir at Lidoriki, the scallop-shaped beaches in Evpalio and the island landscape and scent in Tolofonas complete the majestic beauty of the area. Here you will come into direct contact with nature and you will keep in your memory the impressive pictures that nature created artfully! Visit the small, yet biggest in the Gulf of Corinth and only inhabited (with a few thousands of people) Trizonia islet, just 5 minutes from the mainland! Quiet, yet small and colourful, it is the ideal destination for a summer trip.

Don’t miss: the Fokis Mining Park also known as Vagonetto, within a short distance from Amphissa, south of Gravia. It is the only thematic park for bauxite extraction in Europe! It is open to visitors so that the public can learn about the history of bauxite and make a trip in time using the στο vagonetto which was the train the mine workers used that will take you to a different world!

Gastronomy tips


The famous olives of Amfissa are the top products of the area of excellent quality and taste. The olive oil is also exceptional, while the meats and dairy products from Lidoriki and Giona and the seafood gems of Galaxidi are also popular. The area of Giona is famous for the local cheese, meat and homemade pies. Desfina town has a great tradition in rusk production. Dairy production is widely spread in Fokida. There are many cheese factories in the area. Other popular products are Opsimotyri and Lidoriki Feta. Opsimotyri is an exceptional type of cheese with a spicy yet cooling taste, served in every tavern in the area. The fish taverns and restaurants of Galaxidi and Itea are also of exceptional quality, serving fresh fish and seafood. Accompany your meal with fine local wine and tsipouro and complete your taste with local yoghurt topped with honey from fir trees. Revani is a special and famous sweet in Galaxidi, while other confectionaries include the almond sweet and revanaki, reminiscent of ravani.