
A Four Seasons Destination
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A Four Seasons Destination

The second biggest island in Greece and the 6th biggest in the Mediterranean Sea, hides unexpected pictures! Evia, with its numerous beauties, is the ideal destination for every season of the year, brimming with picturesque villages, amazing beaches, mountains, forests, rivers, thematic tours, monasteries and warm people. It is one of the most beautiful and interesting greek islands as for the natural beauty, the history, the culture and the folklore.

Sea, sea and more sea!

If you love sea, there is no better place for you than Evia! The relationship of the island with the sea is of vital importance! The choices are numerous and ideal for every taste… amazing beaches, some of them famous and other less famous, crystal-clear waters, coastal villages and settlements and fine seafood by the sea!


Evia is surrounded by the Aegean in the East and by the Evian Gulf in the West, so it has many beaches for every taste! Enjoy the summer sun, lay on its golden sandy beaches, swim into the crystal-clear, blue waters of the Aegean, get lost in the crowds or disconnect with your company, try water sports, explore secret coves and pebbly beaches… There are so many beautiful beaches that the visitor can discover! Among them the famous Chiliadou, the “hidden” postcard-like Vythouri, Petali, the famous Dafni beach, beautiful Nisiotissa, Limnionas, the beautiful Tsilaros beach, resembling a lake, wonderful Politika, another picturesque settlement with a gorgeous beach, ideal for families and relaxation… Head to the south to find the beaches of Agii Apostoli, Agios Dimitrios, Kalamos, Mourteri, Korasida and many more, depending on your taste and mood! A typical example, within striking distance from Chalkida, is the coastal part of Drossia, with its famous, cosmopolitan sandy beach called “Alykes” covering a large area and packed with beach bars.


A visit to Eglezonisi (also known as “Ktyponissi”) is another amazing experience. It is an uninhabited islet opposite Panagitsa beach in Drosia that looks like a tiny piece of heaven! This small island is lush, covered in pines, with hills and, of course, beautiful sandy beaches. It  is also a must destination for those who love fishing and diving.

Visit the famous Lichadonisia (or “Lichades”) with the exotic beauty. It is a complex of 7 islets on the northernmost edge of Evia. They stand out for their deep blue waters and sandy beaches, with an equally interesting seabed. At a depth of around 10 meters, there is a shipwreck from 1943 that is barely visible through the water if you find yourself at this particular spot.

Opposite the picturesque coastal Marmari village, is the complex of Petalii. It basically consists of 10 small islands in the south Evian Gulf that look like small dots in the map. They have fantastic beaches with crystal-clear, blue waters, ideal for underwater explorations for the diving enthusiasts. Rocky coasts, sandy beaches, rich vegetation and magnificent coves, some of which accessible only by boat, create the authentic landscape and give the chance for a different summer experience.

Visit the coastal settlement of Chili (about 5km from Kymi). At this fishing village you will behold a unique picture capturing the magnificence of nature: the Aegean Sea unfolding in the skyline, sometimes calm and sometimes stormy. If you want to swim, you will have to go down the steep stairs leading straight to the deep, crystal clear waters of the sea. It is the ideal setting for those who love of scuba diving and exploring the sea bed.

And also…mountain!

You can find yourself in the mountains as easily as the sea! Evia combines both in a perfectly balanced way!

In Central Evia stands also the highest mountain in the island, Dirfys. It is believed that the sancutary of Hera was built on top of the mountain during the ancient times. Here, you will also find some of the most beautiful villages in Evia, among which the renowned “Dirfys villages”. A roadtrip to the villages is an outstanding experience… Starting from the foothillls of the majestic mountain, you will find many Byzantine monuments, while the wider area offers the visitor a plethora of choices! The access to the villages is easy.  One of the most popular ones is Steni, with the plane trees, the burbling waters, the aesthetic forest and the famous taverns! Steni is ideal for hiking in beautiful trails. The route from Steni to Stropones, another beautiful village of Evia, is truly mesmerizing, as the road is surrounded by pines, plane trees, spruce and burbling waters. In the foothills of Dirfys you will find Agali gorge.

Mount Telethrio with the rich flora and the possibility of many activities is a heaven with dense forests full of pine trees and oaks, creeks, gorges, trails and picturesque villages.

In South Evia, northeast of Ochi, you can find one of the most beautiful hiking trails in Greece of a length of 10 km! You will find theis heaven in Dimosaris gorge, starting from an altitude of 950 meters at Petrokanalo, throughout the coastal settlement of Kalliana. Along the road, there are dozens of beautful settlements and grat natural landscapes brimming with vegetation and fresh waters!

Towns, villages, settlements & sights

The capital and biggest town in Evia, Chalkida, is located in the centre of the island and is one of the most beautiful towns in Greece, built on both sides of Euripus strait, with its one part in Central Greece and the other on Eurboea. It is famous inside and outsde Greece for the unique in the world Euripus tidal phenomenon. The waters move constantly and change direction every 6 hours towards and North and South Gulf of Evia, respectively.

Here, you can stroll along the pedestrianised waterfront, admire the magnificent phenomenon and see the landmark of the town, the cable-stayed bridge dividing the town into two sides. If you find yourself there in the evening, it is very possible to see the bridge open, letting ships and yachts pass underneath.

Other significant sights of the town are the Venetian Fortress of Karababas (Kanithos), the Red House, the House with the Statues, the Folklore Museum, the New Museum of Arethousa, and many more. The “historical triangle” of Chalkida is also worth visiting, with the temples of three Eastern religions standing majestically: the famous Emir Zade Mosque, the Jewish Synagogue, the oldest in Europe, with a continuous presence of 2,500 years and, of course, the Basilica of St. Paraskevi dating from the 13th century.

Chalkida is the ideal destination for a short trip , for fresh fish and seafood, coffee, drink, swimming and walks. Particularly when it comes to food, the town stands out, since it is popular for its ouzo restaurants serving fine, fresh seafood. Apart from Chalkida, the neighbouring small towns of Artaki and Lampsakos are also famous for their ouzo restaurants.

South of Chalkida, in about 20km is Eretria, a coastal town in the heart of the Evian Gulf, with an amazing landscape combining sea and mountain in the background. Within short distance, you will find the also coastal town of Amarynthos with the beautiful beaches. Both in Eretria and Amarynthos you can enjoy fine seafood at the picturesque taverns on the waterfront! Note: The Archaeological Museum and the Ancient Theatre of Eretria are of major importance. In Amarynthos stands out the Temple of Evangelismos Theotokou (Assumption of the Mother of Jesus), and also the Monastery of St. Nikolaos from the 12th century inside the forest and the Folklore Museum.

Nea Styra is another beautiful settlement in the Gulf of Petalii . In the southeast of the settlement is the ancient Castle of Armeni on top of mount Kliosi, with the endless view. In the ancient times, the castle held a major strategic position.


Karystos is a coastal town in South Evia that combines mountain and sea and a very vibrant tourist hub. Among the places of special interest is the Archaeological Museum of Karystos, the Folklore Collection of Charilis Deligiorgis and his wife, the “Karystian House” in the centre of the town, reviving the lifestyle, customs and traditions of past times in the area and the majestic Castello Roso in the foothills of mount Ochi, overlooking the Gulf of Karystos and revealing its visitors historical secrets. Just 15′ from Karystos is the beautiful Marmari with the dreamy coasts!

Kymi is one of the most picturesque villages in Evia. Walk around the village and admire the old mansions of beautiful architecture. Visit the house where Georgios Papanikolaou, the great pioneer doctor that invented the PAP Test contributing significantly to the international evolution of  medicine, was born and grew up. Visit the settlement of St. Marina with the beautiful Soutsini sandy beach. Aghios Georgios is another must-visit area, where you will see the “white slabs”, an unusual picture in the shallows of the beach.

The picturesque villages of Kymi with the asleep volcano of Oxylithos loomng over the highest point of the area are also an oasis in Evia. For nature lovers, the Kotylaia forest is ideal for mountain sports, with the view of the Aegean. In the winter, it is transformed into a beautiful lake with intense vegetation that is really worth visiting! The settlement of Episkopi is another beautiful and picturesque fishing village of Kymi with  narrow alleys and  island vibes, also known as the captains’ village. Another wonderful place is Zarakes village with the beautiful vintage architecture, the stone houses, as well as a dreamy beach about 4km from the settlement. The area is widely famous for the renonwed “Purple Cave”. It is a masterpiece of nature, an awe-inspiring and impressive undersea cave in Zarakes, accessible only by boat. It was named after the purple seaweeds growing on its rocks.

Among the important sights within short distance from Kymi is definitely the Convent of Sotiras, a place of intense religious and cultural interest. It is built in a remote location, 250 meters above the sea level. It is believed to have been built in the 15th century by monks from Mount Athos. In the centre of the Convent is  the Monastery of Sotiras built in 1643, a sight of major cultural and historical value. Although it has gone through many sufferings during the longtime history, it still stands majestical and since 1976 it operates as a convent.

Built amphitheatrically over the suntrap north Evian Gulf, Limni is a wonderful coastal town with magnificent views of the endless blue. It combines harmoniously the sea with the green landscape -a typical picture of the entire island of Evia. You can walk around its alleys, admire the neoclassical buildings, the bright colours and the island vibes it exudes…




Within a lush landscape, a few kilometers away from Limni is the historical Nmonastery of St. Nikolaos, also known as “Moni Galataki” and the oldest monastery in Evia. It is located at an altitude of 200 meters overlooking the Evian Gulf and mount Kandili. In addition, the ancient temple of the Monastery has been kept in a perfect condition, with the wonderful murals that were completed in 1567!

A particularly popular tourism destination is the beautiful village of Aghia Anna, located at an altitude of 300 meters on the northeastern side of Evia, attracting a large number of visitors. An equally popular spot is the large and famous sandy Aghia Anna beach, with the crystal-clear Aegean waters. Over the last years, the beach has become even more famous due to its organised camp.

Artemisium is a traditional village with an interesting architectural style. It is also an area of major historical value, as this is where during the Persian Battles, the Greeks closed the narrow pass where the naval battle of the same name took place, at the same time with the Battle of Thermopylae.

Close to the beautiful village of Rovies, is the Holy Monastery of St. David, a very popular attraction. It is one of the most beautiful and historical monasteries in Evia, with a plethora of pilgrims arriving from every part of Greece.

On the other side, at the picturesque village of Prokopi, there is the Holy Pilgrimage of St. Ioannis Rossos, another popular religious spot attracting every day a large number of pilgrims and visitors, where the holy relics of the Saint are kept.

Live a unique experience!

The thermal baths of Edipsos are a very famous spot. According to the mythology, when Athena asked Hephaistus to create warm waters with healing properties so that Hercules could relax after every Labou,r  Hephaistus choose Evia. According to another myth, Hera advised Deucalion and Pyrrha to wash themselves with the waters of Edipsos in order to have many and healthy children. After a while, they had Hellen, their son and progenitor of the Hellenes!

In Edipsos there are the oldest thermal springs with proven healing properties, surrounded by a mesmerizing lush lanscape reaching the blue of the sea! A special mention should be made to the thermal healing spa of Helion at Edipsos. You can also find thermal springs in Gialtra village, built on a hillside, with magnificent views and a large coastline with beautiful beaches.

Don’t miss!

• See the famous Dragon houses! According to legends, the “Dragons”, mythical creatures, used to live there, hence their name. The Dragon Houses are located on the southern part of the island, close to Styra, in Karystos and the top of Ochi. They are 23 rectangular structures made from huge slabs from the mountains, dating back to the 5th century B.C. Thousands years later, they stand majestically, although they have no foundations nor connection materials! Their single view is awe-inspiring and this becomes even more intense if you think that, until this day, their date of construction, the way they were made,  their creators and how the slabs were placed still remain unclear!


• The waterfalls at Drymonas village, a truly magnificent image!

• The Fossilised forest at Kerasia. Among Aghia Anna, Papades and Kerasia, you will find a fantastic place, the fossilised forest of Kerasia, one of the few fossilised forests in Europe, with its age estimated at 20.000.000 years! A walk around its pathways is like a trip into the pre-historical period! The impressive findings from the paleontological excavations made here are housed in the Museum of Fossilised Mammals in Kerasia.


Skyros is the largest and southernmost island in the North Sporades and an ideal summer and winter destination, the windswept corner (“Anemoessa”) of Central Greece! It is a mythical island of a mythical beauty, as Odysseus, Theseus and legendary Barbarossa left their marks on it! In the summer, the island steals the show with its natural beauties, beaches, nice food and elegant accommodation options, especially for those seeking peace and tranquility in their holidays. In the winter, on the other hand, it shows its wild beauty, with the lush vegetation full of pine trees and its waters wavy due to the strong winter winds. Skyros stands out for its balanced combination of the beauty of the Cyclades with that of the Sporades, as its southern part is mountainous and picturesque, while its northern part is brimming with lush areas reaching the sea. Among the must-visit locations of the island are Gialos, Achili, Vrachia, etc. Walk around its quaint alleys, swim at the wonderful beaches and see remarkable archaeological sites, like the Castle situated above Chora, which used to be the ancient citadel and seat of Nicomedes, the ancient King of the island. According to the myth, at “Andriotis Cave” location, Lycomedes killed Theseus, the King of Athens.

Skyros is an island of major religious and cultural interest, as you will find many Byzantine churches, like the temple of St. Georgios Skyrianos, dating back to the 10th century.

You can also visit the Museum of Manos Faltaits, one of the first local historical-folklore museums in Greece, which was created to preserve the local tradition and heritage and today it counts more than 5 decades of presence on the island!

The unique in the world Skyrian Horses are the stars of the island! Don’t miss the chance to see them! It is an ancient Greek horse species that looks like a pony and is one of the rarest ones in the world!

The Carnival is one of the most vibrant seasons in the island. Joyful feasts, dances, people dressed up and unique customs like the one with the old man (“Geros”) and the young girl (“Korela”). The custom probably comes from the Cult of Dionysus and it dates back to the past centuries. It is definitely a very impressive event that takes place every year!

Don’t forget

to try the renowned Lobster Pasta of Skyros! The island is famous for this dish and this is not by chance!

Gastronomy tips

traditional products  & local cuisine

The Evian cuisine is rich and interesting. It is famous for its simplicity and variety, strong flavours and fresh raw materials. In every coastal settlement, you will taste the finest produce of the sea, freshly-caught fish, great variety in seafood, as well as meze snacks to pair the premium ouzo or tsipouro.