
Eternal Emotions
#culture #mountain #snow #religious #monuments #agritourism
Meters altitude
Permanent citizens
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Eternal Emotions

Authentic & warm

Viotia, on the southern part of Central Greece and brimming
with beautiful, picturesque villages, mountain and sea, sights, natural beauties, historical monuments and mythical heroes, promises the visitor unique experiences!

Mount Parnassus, one of the highest mountains in Greece, stands majestically on the north part of Viotia, with its National Park is one of the oldest ones in Greece, hosting a rare flora and fauna. According to the mythology, Parnassus was dedicated to Apollo and the Corycian Nymphs. Parnassus National Park is packed with dense vegetation. It is mostly covered in spruce and cedars, has rare indigenous plants and is home to a great number of wild animals and birds. The visitor has also the chance to see wonderful natural landscapes and sights, such as sinkholes and caves!

Parnassus is also famous in the entire country for its Ski Resort, the largest and most organised in Greece, with 21 ski slopes, 7 ski routes, 5 connecting trails and 4 slopes suitable for beginners. It covers an area of 34 km. Start descending at an altitude of 2,260 meters until you reach the 1,640 meters!

Explore the Viotian land!

Viotia is an attraction not only for the winter months. With Arachova and the ski resort stealing the show, it is considered as one of the most popular all-year-round destinations in Greece. In an area of a few kilometers, the visitors can choose among mountain, sea, picturesque villages, hiking trails, tours in the area, historical and cultural monuments and everything else they wish for, from experiential activities in nature to nice family experiences!

Of course, Arachova has a prominent place in the area. It is the most famous and cosmopolitan village not only in Viotia but also in Greece, located in the foothills of mount Parnassus. Get lost in the quaint alleys of the area, enjoy your meal at the famous taverns and gourmet restaurants, drink a coffee, enjoy a drink or cocktail and have fun at its hangouts.

The picturesque Antikyra settlement is nestled in the shade of Parnassus on the one side, and right by the sea on the other. With its beautiful waterfront lined with cafes and fish taverns, it is the ideal destination for a summer trip. Walk along the waterfront with the Lighthouse being its trademark, enjoy the panoramic views from Prophet Elias, and visit St. Isidoros, famous among locals and visitors for its beautiful beach of the same name, within just 2km from the main settlement.

Distomo is a picturesque small town definitely worth visiting.  In the centre of the town there is a monument of World War II and it is located within striking distance from Arachova (15km).

With the urban landcape characterised by natural beauties and sights, Livadeia , the capital of Viotia, with a history dating back to the ancient times, is a town built between mounts Parnassus and Elikonas at an altitude of 160 meters. Start your tour from the neighbourhoods of the town with the interesting, distinctive architecture, visit the Historical and Ethnological Museum, the Museum of Old Professions and the Clock Tower, which was built during the Francocracy and is one of the most characteristic spots of the town. Climb the hill of Prophet Elias to see the chapel of the Prophet, marvel at the old Castle that was reconstructed during the Byzantine Empire and the Francocracy (it is one of the 4 Catalan-style castles in Greece), as well as Trofonio Oracle in the foothills of the hill, one of the most important oracles of the ancient times. Complete your tour with a walk to the chapel of St. Jerusalem in the cave of Zoodochos Pigi.

The mountain villages, within relatively short distance from Livadeia, are ideal destinations for a trip. Among them is picturesque Kyriaki, built at an altitude of 720 meters in the western, verdant slopes of mount Elikonas. It is one of the most beautiful mountainous villages in the Viotian land. Visit Arvanitsa and look for the program of the top summer musical festival. Buy a tent; the combination of music and camping in the mountain is a unique experience!

Climb Paliokastro hill, the panoramic views will take your breath away! Another mountainous place in the slopes of Elikonas, very close to Kyriaki, is the picturesque Aghia Anna village. On the way between the two villages you will find Arvanitsa forest, a retreat forest and a wonderful alpine landscape worth making a stop. If you have time, a visit to the coastal settlements on the nortern coastline of the Corinthian Gulf is a beautiful experience.

Thebes is another important town in Viotia and one of the oldest towns not only in Greece, but also in the entire world. According to the legend, Thebes was built by Cadmus, it was the birthplace of Hercules and the hometown of Oedipus, as well as many other historical and mythical figures. Thebes also combines mountain and sea, lush mountains mounts Elikonas and Kitheronas, wonderful valleys, forests, trails in the slopes of the mountains, “secret” coves a stone’s throw from the town, ancient coastal settlements with crystal-clear waters, and Iliki , a natural lake, situated in an impressive, beautiful setting and also an important wetland.

The archaeological and historical interest of the area is traced back for centuries. The cultural and archaelogical monuments are of major value, like the Kabeirion Ancient Theatre , the Mycenanean palace of Thebes or Cadmeion, the Fountain of Dirki, connecting the myth of the foundation of the town by Cadmus with the one of Dirki, wife of Lycus, King of Thebes. Among the most important sanctuaries of ancient Thebes is the Temple of Ismenius Apollo, built on the hill of the same name, while Plataies is another renowned archaeological site, famous for the Battle of Plataea that took place in 479 B.C. between the Greeks and the Persians. Due to this great archaeological value, the town features also an equally important museum, the Archaeological Museum of Thebes , considered as one of the most important museums in Greece.

Natural sights

Erkinas river, trademark of the town, passes through the entire town and was named after Erkina, the Nymph that lived in the fountain of the same name. The famous springs of Krya, with their waters flowing from the river, create probably the most beautiful setting in the area. It is a breathtaking landscape brimming with burbling waters, stone bridges, plane trees, watermills and waterfalls. Close to the springs is the stone theatre of Krya.

Visit a true paradise on earth with impressive waterfalls, the Petra Waterfalls. They were named after the neighbouring Petra village, with marvellous stone houses, located in the foothills of Elikonas at an altitude of 200 meters, close to Aliartos. The waterfalls are a true gem, a wonderful picture that looks like it was taken from a fairy tale. With a height of 25 meters,, it is the highest natural waterfall in Greece, but its most impressive feature is that, as the waters fall from the mountain slopes, they stagnate in the rocks and then they continue their impetuous flow, resulting in two smaller waterfalls and creating a natural landscape of unrivalled beauty.

The Viotian Kifisus is the biggest river in the eastern part of Central Greece, traversing the fertile valley between mounts Kallidromo and Parnassus. Kifisus is also one of the perfect places in Greece and Europe for Water Skiing, thanks to the good weather conditions and the reduced intensity of winds in the area.

The Spring of the Charites in Orchomenos is among the most important places in the wider area, brimming with rich vegetation and crystal-clear waters. According to the mythology, it was the birthplace of daughers of Zeus, and during the ancient times, it was a place of worship for the Three Graces (Charites), hence the name of the springs. The Charites used to wash Goddess Aphrodite in Akidalia spring, they perfumed her and clothed her with the “ambrosian veil” woven by themselves.

Close to the springs, on the western slope of mount Akontio, in the burbling waters of Melanas river, traversing Orchomenos, in the summer and winter swim and grow the famous trouts of Orchomenos, at a stable temperature of 14 ºC. Especially, in September they have a field day, with the Trout Festival.

Cultural & archaeological monuments

The Monastery of St. Luke, a UNESCO World Heritage Site is built in Stiri village, on a slope of mount Elikonas, also known as the “Mountain of the Muses.  It is one of the most important monuments of art, architecture and history, as this is where the beginning of the Greek War of Revolution in Central Greece was officially declared in March 27 1821.

Another important monument in the area is the Ancient Theatre of Orchomenos built during the Hellenistic years and located in the east side of the ancient town, close to Levidi village. It has been excavated and is open to visitors. The Mycenaean domed tomb, known as the “Tomb of Minyas“, is one of the most impressive monuments in the area. It is estimated to have been built around 2.000 B.C. and was revealed by th excavations carried out by Heinrich Schliemann in 1881-1885. In the area you will also find prominent churches and monasteries, with the most important being the temple of Panaghia Skripous, the most ancient byzantine monument in Viotia built during the 9th century.

The Folklore Museum of Tanagra and the Tanagra Necropolis are sites of major importance. The cemeteries of Tanagra are of great historical, archaelogical and cultural value. Since they date back to the Archaic-Roman years, they are a remarkable source of information and folklore data of that period. The renowned“Tanagra Figurines” are important archaeological findings of the area. They are works of art from ancient Greece depicting women in a standing or sitting position that were crafted since the 5th century B.C. by the so-called “figurine makers” in Tanagra and served as grave goods or lucky charms for their owner.

Don’t miss!

It is a true experience to be “invited” to a  “Vlach Wedding” in Thebes, one of the most famous folklore festivals! It is an ancient custom with its roots in the Cult of Dionysus that survived in centuries and today is a traditional custom of Clean Monday with a “ritual” taking place. The Vlach Wedding is listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Appendix.